Friday, May 28, 2010

National Flood Insurance Program Allowed to Lapse by Congress!

NFIP Set to Lapse Once More on May 31—to Restart Earliest at June 7—Your Action is Imperative

Congressional wrangling of the vote to extend the funding of the NFIP could likely bring the NFIP into a lapse, once again, from May 31 through June 7 when Congress reconvenes. Efforts to separate the NFIP issue from the larger Tax Extenders bill to allow an NFIP extension to be funded have been blocked by House Majority Leader, Harry Reid. Fidelity recommends that agents contact their representatives to urge expeditious approval of NFIP funding through the 2010 Tax Extenders Bill and long term through HR 5114 Flood Reform Bill. Fidelity will be taking familiar steps to prepare for the NFIP lapse as guided by past directives by the NFIP.
You can use the link below to find the House of Representatives or Senate member for their area and express their interest in continued NFIP funding without a lapse and for future longer term extensions of the program.
Contact your Senator at:

Contact your Representative:

If the NFIP suffers a lapse, it is fully anticipated that federal funding will be extended when Congress reconvenes, hopefully on a retroactive basis. However, during the lapse between May 31 and when Congress can re-authorize the NFIP, new flood insurance policies and increases in existing policies will not be made effective. Fidelity will be taking the following steps in preparation for and during the lapse in the NFIP program in accordance with Bulletin W-09068:

· Submission of flood policy quotes, applications and premium payments will continue to be accepted via with policy effective dates adjusted based on the eventual NFIP reauthorization.

· Applications and premium payments must be received prior to the May 31, 2010 deadline to be made effective during the lapse. Electronic premium payment methods are available to policyholders at

· Claim payments will be continued as usual for policies currently in effect.

Fidelity National Flood will follow all guidelines in accordance with the FEMA Bulletin W-09068, issued October 27, 2009, and titled “Recommendations/Guidance for Possible NFIP Authority Lapse and Hiatus” available at:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tennessee Declares "Grace Period" for Insurance Lapses

The state of Tennessee has requested that insurance carriers provide voluntary payment and policy termination relief to policyholders affected by the recent flooding and other natural disasters.

These  processes will apply to customers in the "affected area"

counties declared by FEMA:

Benton ,Fayette, Lauderdale, Rutherford,Campbell, Gibson, Lawrence, Shelby,
Cannon, Giles, Lewis, Smith,Carroll ,Hardeman, Macon, Stewart,
Cheatham ,Hardin, Madison, Sumner,Chester, Haywood, Marshall, Tipton,
Clay ,Henderson, Maury, Trousdale,Crockett ,Henry, McNairy, Wayne,Davidson Hickman Montgomery Weakley,Decatur,Houston, Obion, Williamson,DeKalb, Humphreys, Perry, Wilson,Dickson, Jackson, Pickett,Dyer, Lake, Robertson

Contact your insurer if you are having difficulties making your payments.

$100k Challenge to Dave Ramsey

Thats right. Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman have been challenged to put up or shut up by author of the New York Times best seller "Bank on Yourself", Pamela Yellen. Using a special type of whole life policy, Ms. Yellen claims she can consistently out perform any of Dave and Suze's methods. Will they take the challenge?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Smoke Forces Evacuation of Green Hills Mall

Reports of smoke  forced shoppers out at the Mall at Green Hills Saturday afternoon.Witnesses in the upscale Nashville mall said they were evacuated from the mall around 4:30 p.m.Thermal imaging cameras were used by firefighters in an unsuccessful attempt to find the source of the smoke. Several traffic lights were also out in the area near the mall.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Great Little Video About the Nashville Flood

No Looting, no riots and only 15 minutes of national coverage...

What will happen?   The people of Nashville will pick up the pieces and go on...
Nothing like New Orleans...  Why??
Click your mouse here:   Nashville Flood

Friday, May 21, 2010

Nashville Flood Jobs and FEMA Position on Undocumented Immigrants

 Below are links and numbers for opportunities to access flood related jobs in the area, and to help with FEMA benefits for American children of undocumented parents.

Skilled Job for Concrete Mixer Truck Operator

The Tennessee Department of Labor has a new page to help direct people toward flood related jobs which you can reach via clicking the link  below:

The 2,500 clean jobs have been filed, but that there are others. If someone cannot access the internet to search at the link above, you should have them call the ennessee Career Center at:

2200 Rosa L Parks Boulevard - (615) 253-8920
3763 Nolensville Pike, Nashville - (615) 741-3556
Ste 210, 621 Mainstream Drive, Nashville - (615) 862-8890

Undocumented Immigrants From Fema's website:
If I am an undocumented immigrant, am I eligible for any assistance from FEMA?

•You may be eligible for short-term, non-cash, emergency aid provided by FEMA.
•You will not be personally eligible for FEMA cash assistance programs (Individuals and Households Program Assistance); however, you may apply on behalf of your U.S. citizen child, or another adult household member may qualify the household for assistance.
•Even if you or your family does not qualify for FEMA cash assistance (Individuals and Households Program Assistance), please call FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY for hearing/speech-impaired) for information and to be referred to other programs that can assist you regardless of your immigration status.
If I am an undocumented immigrant, can I apply on behalf of my child who was born in the United States?

•You can apply on behalf of your minor child (under 18 years of age) for FEMA cash assistance (Individuals and Households Program Assistance) if you live together.
•You will not have to provide any information on your immigration status or sign any documents regarding your status.
Do I need a Social Security Number to register for FEMA cash assistance (Individual and Households Program Assistance)?

•If you are applying on your minor child's behalf, you should provide his/her Social Security Number. Read more:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tax Relief in Presidential Disaster Areas: Flood Relief

To qualify for this relief, affected taxpayers should put the assigned Disaster Designation in red ink at the top of the return, except for Form 5500, where filers should check Box D in Part 1 and attach a statement, following the form’s instructions. Individuals or businesses located in the disaster area – or taxpayers outside the area that were directly affected by this disaster – should contact the IRS if they receive penalties for filing returns or paying taxes late.

Casualty Losses

Affected taxpayers in a Presidential Disaster Area have the option of claiming disaster-related casualty losses on their federal income tax return for either this year or last year. Claiming the loss on an original or amended return for last year will get the taxpayer an earlier refund, but waiting to claim the loss on this year’s return could result in a greater tax saving, depending on other income factors.
Individuals may deduct personal property losses that are not covered by insurance or other reimbursements, but they must first subtract $100 for each casualty event and then subtract ten percent of their adjusted gross income from their total casualty losses for the year. For details on figuring a casualty loss deduction, see IRS Publication 547, “Casualties, Disasters and Thefts.”
Affected taxpayers claiming the disaster loss on last year’s return should put the Disaster Designation in red ink at the top of the form so that the IRS can expedite the processing of the refund
Other Relief

The IRS will waive the usual fees and expedite requests for copies of previously filed tax returns for affected taxpayers who need them to apply for benefits or to file amended returns claiming casualty losses.  Such taxpayers should put the assigned Disaster Designation in red ink at the top of Form 4506, “Request for Copy of Tax Return,” or Form 4506-T, “Request for Transcript of Tax Return,” as appropriate, and submit it to the IRS.
Affected taxpayers who are contacted by the IRS on a collection or examination matter should explain how the disaster impacts them so that the IRS can provide appropriate consideration to their case.
The IRS toll-free number for general tax questions is 1-800-829-1040.

Related Items:
  • Rev. Proc. 2005-27, 2005-20 I.R.B, page 1050, time-sensitive actions ( PDF 670K)
  • Pub. 547, Casualties, Disasters and Thefts (PDF 125K)
  • Pub. 584, Casualty, Disaster and Theft Loss Workbook (PDF 140K)
  • Pub. 584B, Business Casualty, Disaster and Theft Loss Workbook (PDF 66K)
  • Pub. 3833, Disaster Relief: Providing Assistance through Charitable Organizations (PDF 507K) — explains how the public can use charitable organizations to help victims of disasters, and how new organizations to aid disaster victims may obtain tax-exempt status
  • Form 1040X, Amended Federal Income Tax Return (PDF 117K)
  • Instructions for Form 1040X (PDF 45K)
  • Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Return (PDF 42K)
  • Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Return (PDF 32K)

    (You may complete and print a fill-in form online, but Acrobat Reader may not save your entries with the file.)

Life Jacket World Record to be set on Center Hill Lake, Thursday

May 20, 2010

Park Rangers with the US Army Corps of Engineers and members of the boating public at Center Hill Lake will participate in “Inflatable Life Jacket World Record Day!” The event will take place at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 20 at the Buffalo Valley Recreation Area. Throughout North America, participants will simultaneously inflate their life jackets to set an unprecedented world record.
The public is invited to bring life jackets to help set the world record for inflating life jackets. Everyone wearing any type of life jacket will be included. This is a great kickoff to Safe Boating Week May 22-28 2010.
New innovations and developments in life jackets have produced a smaller, sleeker, and much more comfortable version of a life jacket.
“Inflatable life jackets are cool and comfortable,” said Acting Resource Manager Gregg Nivens. “We’re drawing attention to the importance of wearing a life jacket and to practice safety, courtesy and common sense on the lake.”
This World Record Day will help to usher in National Safe Boating Week, this year May 22 – 28, 2010. The day is being held in cooperation with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and the National Safe Boating Council. More information is available at
The goal of National Safe Boating Week is to educate and inform the boating public about boating safety, specifically life jackets. During National Safe Boating Week and throughout the boating season:
·Expect the unexpected. Wear your life jacket.
·Stay alert and aware. Avoid drinking and operating a boat.
.Keep a proper lookout – watch out for the “other guy.”
·Use courtesy and common sense.
·Learn to swim. Swim with a buddy.
·Swim in designated areas close to shore. Distances on the water are farther than they look.
·If your boat capsizes, stay with the boat. It will usually partially float, making rescue easier.
·Take a safe boating course

Take the Insurance Quiz

This is a fun little quiz. As an insurance professional you will be glad to know I scored 100% on the quiz. It was not really that difficult, but for the uninitiated it can be tricky. Most average American's only scored 40% on the exam.

If you need help with your personal insurance or if this quiz makes you curious about your coverages; call your agent and discuss what type of coverage you actually have. (or contact the author for a free consultation)

Good luck on the quiz:
NAIC Insurance IQ Quiz

Psychiatric Solutions Sold to Philly Based Universal Health Services For 3.1 Billion

Franklin-based Psychiatric Solutions Inc. is being purchased by Universal Health Services Inc. in a deal valued at $3.1 billion, the companies announced today.
The announcement ends months of speculation about who would buy PSI, which currently owns or leases 94 facilities in 32 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
In March, PSI confirmed that it had formed a special committee of its board of directors and retained outside advisors to consider potential offers for the company.
That move followed a report in the Wall Street Journal that PSI was in talks to be acquired by Boston-based private equity firm Bain Capital, which is also a leading shareholder in Nashville-based HCA Inc.
It was “shortly thereafter” that UHS was invited to the table, UHS Chief Financial Officer Steve Filton said today in a call with analysts.
“Over the years, we have looked at many assets in smaller portfolios at substantially higher prices.” Filton said. “This transaction provides a unique opportunity to get a larger group of assets at a more attractive aggregate price.”
No one from PSI participated in the call. Other than a statement from Christopher Grant, chairman of PSI’s special committee, included in the press release, the company has been silent about the deal.
A spokeswoman at Rolling Hills Hospital in Franklin, PSI’s only Tennessee facility, referred requests for comment to the corporate headquarters, which did not return calls.
UHS said the combined company is expected to generate about $35 million to $45 million in annual cost savings. About 35 to 40 percent of that will come from salaries and “other related equity compensation” for PSI’s senior management, Filton said.
However, UHS CEO Alan Miller said, “We are familiar with some of the management at PSI and think there are a lot of very talented people there, and we look forward to working with them as well.”
Analysts were generally optimistic about the deal, which propels UHS to the No. 1 spot in the $20 billion a year behavioral health segment.
UHS will pay $33.75 per share, $2 billion total, in cash for PSI ­— and assume about $1.1 billion in PSI debt.

Franklin High School 100th Graduating Class

This year Franklin High School is marking a major milestone: the 100th graduating class of seniors! The FHS Class of 2010 graduation is rapidly approaching! Soon, an overnight event will be held at FHS to celebrate it's 'Class of the Century'!. As Franklin High School celebrates its rich history of turning 100 years old, Project Graduation will carry on it's unique tradition for the fifth year in a row! 452 seniors will be invited to participate an overnight celebration in their honor. Parents will feel great, knowing their graduate is safe with their classmates. Graduation night can be one of the most dangerous nights in a teen's life. Project Graduation is a national movement that was created by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers to keep teenagers safe at graduation time. Statistics collected nationally over a 2 year period find that 180 to 260 teens are killed in car accidents each weekend during peak time for graduations, and over half of those deaths are related to alcohol use.

FHS' Project Graduation began in 2006 by a group of concerned parents who wanted to offer a safe, alcohol, and drug free way for students to celebrate graduation together. The Franklin community plays a critical role in the support of Project Graduation. The celebrated success of the program would be impossible without the financial support of parents of FHS, FHS alumni, local businesses and friends. For those who have contributed in the past, we truly appreciate the support you have given. For those who are considering supporting this worthwhile event for the first time -- we need you!
All donations are tax deductible.

Please send donations to:
FHS Project Graduation
c/o Laura Watson

PMB 193
2020 Fieldstone Parkway, Suite 900
Franklin, TN 37069

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Most Veterans Don't Know They Are Eligable For These Benefits

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) says that a recent evaluation of the VA's Non-Service Connected Pension Program found that only about one in four eligible veterans are estimated to be receiving the pension benefits they are owed.

This is because many veterans still do not know that this VA pension program exists.

Current recipients surveyed by the VA in 2004 reported that they had been eligible for many years before actually applying for benefits. In order to qualify for the VA non-service connected pension program, veterans are required to have served during a specific "period of war."

The veteran should have been discharged under honorable conditions and generally served for at least 90 days. Veterans may receive a non-service-connected pension based on reaching age 65.

Veterans who are under age 65 qualify if they are permanently and totally disabled. For disabled veterans, the disability does not have to have any relationship to the veteran's military service.

Eligibility for the program is based upon need. Wartime veterans who believe that they qualify for a pension can contact the Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-800-827-1000 for an application and further information. For more information, read this article. VA Benefits

Where to Find Housing Help in Nashville

The Nashville Flood of 2010
Need Help?

If you are a flood victim and need help, please call 2-1-1. Residents will be directed to the closest non-profit distribution site for donations, transportation, emergency food box sites and other needs.
Housing Assistance

 Rental Housing Database for Flood Victims

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Important Questions and Answers About Flood Insurance

Since I don’t live in a flood zone, I don’t need flood insurance, right?
Wrong. Everyone is at risk for flooding. Floods can happen anywhere, at any time. Residents who live in and outside of a high-risk area should know their risk and consider protection. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of all flood claims occur outside of high-risk areas, also known as Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs).
If you live outside of the high-risk area and are eligible for the Preferred Risk Policy, your flood insurance premium may be as low as $112 a year, including coverage for your property’s contents.
I have flood insurance, but after a recent flood, my personal belongings weren’t covered. Why?
A standard flood policy will cover structural, furnace, water heater and air conditioner damage; flood debris clean-up; and floor surface damage such as to carpeting and tile.
However, unless you also purchase contents coverage, items such as furniture, collectibles, clothing, jewelry and artwork will not be covered. You should talk to your insurance agent to make sure your flood policy adequately protects your home and belongings in the event of a flood.
Why should I purchase a flood insurance policy since the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) makes disaster assistance available after a flood?
Flood insurance claims are paid even if a disaster is not declared by the President.
A flood insurance claim is your money. If you receive disaster assistance funds, it will most likely be a loan that must be repaid, with interest. A flood insurance policy is also more cost-effective than relying on disaster assistance. The average cost of a $100,000 flood policy is a little more than $400 annually.
Why can’t I get flood insurance if I live in a Special Flood Hazard Area?
You can and should get flood insurance if you live in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). These areas are considered to be at high risk for flooding, and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) encourages every homeowner, business owner or renter who lives and works in an SFHA to invest in flood insurance protection. Flood coverage is available to anyone who lives in one of 20,300 NFIP participating communities across the country (to find out if you live in an NFIP participating community, visit You can call your insurance agent for more information, or visit to find an agent in your area.

What can I do if I don’t live in a participating community?
Contact your local officials and encourage them to take the steps to become a participating community in the National Flood Insurance Program.
Am I eligible for flood insurance if I live in a condo or apartment?
Most people who live in NFIP participating communities, including renters and condominium unit owners, are eligible to purchase a flood insurance policy. A maximum of $250,000 of building coverage is available for single-family residential buildings, $250,000 per unit for residential condominiums. The limit for contents coverage on all residential buildings is $100,000, which is also available to renters.
Where can I get a flood insurance policy if my agent doesn’t sell it?
Flood insurance is sold and serviced by about 90 private insurance companies in more than 20,300 communities nationwide. The federal government sets the terms and rates.
Claims payments are funded by flood insurance premiums. To purchase a policy, first call your insurance agent. To find an agent in your area, visit or call 1-800-427-2419.
Why do I need flood insurance…
when my home is on a hill?
Floods can occur in any area, although to varying degrees. If you live on a hill or in an area that has never been flooded, your risk may be significantly reduced, but it is not eliminated.
Flooding can be caused by heavy rains, melting snow, inadequate drainage systems, failed protective devices, such as levees and dams, as well as by tropical storms and hurricanes. You should make an informed decision about the flood risks you face before deciding not to purchase flood insurance. Talk to your agent for additional details – you may qualify for a Preferred Risk Policy (a lower-cost flood insurance policy).
when my home is not on the coast or near a river?
Some of the most damaging and costly floods occur hundreds of miles from coasts and river banks. Slow moving tropical systems, urban runoff and flash flooding can occur in communities across the country. You need to be aware of these flood risks and financially prepare your home and business with flood insurance protection.
Why does the map say I’m in a high-risk area when my home is built on high ground?
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) cannot reflect every variation in the physical geography of an area. Therefore, a FIRM occasionally will show a property as being in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), even though the building may be above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE).
However, there is a mechanism for resolving such a situation. A property owner can submit property and elevation materials in support of a request for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) to remove the property from the SFHA. This process involves the property owner and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). If the property is removed from the high-risk area, it is still at risk of flooding and flood insurance is highly recommended.
For detailed information regarding the LOMA process, call 1-877-336-2627 toll-free.

I’ve been approached by a company that says for a fee I can be removed from the Special Flood Hazard Area. How does this work?
Property owners who have reason to believe their flood zone designation is in error should work with their lender or FEMA to try and have their property and/or structure officially removed from the high-risk area. To remove a structure from a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) if it is at or above the one-percent-annual-chance flood elevation, property owners can apply for a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). An application and step-by-step instructions can be found at
There is no fee for FEMA to review a request; however, the requester is responsible for any costs involved in collecting the supporting data necessary to submit an application.
To remove a structure from an SFHA if it has been elevated by fill and is at or above the one-percent-annual-chance flood elevation, property owners can apply for a Letter of Map Revision based on fill (LOMR-F). An application and step-by-step instructions can be found at FEMA does charge a fee for the engineering review of a structure.
After a Flood
Why did my insurance agent tell me I didn’t need flood insurance and my home just flooded?
Property owners are required by law to purchase flood insurance if their structure is located in a high-risk flood area, or Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), and they have a loan from a federally regulated lender. However, everyone is at risk for flooding and needs to consider flood insurance protection. Property owners who live in an SFHA are at high risk for flooding and are strongly encouraged to purchase a flood policy.
Those with properties in low- to moderate-risk areas need to understand that floodwaters do not stop at a line on a flood map. Twenty to 25 percent of all flood insurance claims come from low- to moderate-risk areas. 
You can take control of your financial security and ensure your property is flood protected. If your agent doesn’t tell you about your flood insurance options, ask him/her to explain your flood risks and how the coverage works. You can also visit or call 1-800-427-2419 to learn more about your flood risk and how to protect your property.
Will my flood insurance policy cover debris removal?
Yes. Debris removal is covered under building property flood insurance coverage.
Why does the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) provide flood coverage to repetitive loss properties?
FEMA is working to address repetitive loss properties (properties with two or more $1,000 flood insurance claims within a 10-year period). The NFIP works with states, local governments, and Community Rating System (CRS) communities to mitigate these properties through elevation, relocation, floodproofing, local flood control, and acquisition/demolition.
Will policyholders in noncoastal states be paying more for flood insurance to support losses along the coast?
Premiums are based on risk, not location. Policyholders with similar flood risk pay the same rate regardless of where they live. For example, if a property has a one percent chance of flooding in a given year, it doesn’t matter whether it’s located on the coast or someplace else – the chance of flooding is the same, 1 percent. The NFIP does not increase premiums to make up for past losses. Premiums are set in order to pay for future expected losses.
It is important to remember that flooding is a risk across the country. Every region of the United States has suffered historical flooding and is just as susceptible to future flood damage.
Does the NFIP encourage development in coastal areas that are particularly susceptible to hurricane-induced flooding?
Many factors, including community development pressures and the desirability of beachfront property, contribute to development in coastal areas.
Although the NFIP doesn’t encourage development, the program does offer flood insurance protection for property owners in these areas, if that community adopts and rigorously enforces floodplain management regulations. The NFIP’s stringent building requirements save the country more than $1.1 billion every year in losses from flood damage. 

The Weather Channel " Storm Stories"

As weather has been the news lately especially for many in Middle TN,
the following may be interesting. The Weather Channel's "Storm Stories"
may very well be working on editing a future episode from the historic
2010 recent Nashville flood. If you happen to have any weather stories
(including the Nashville flood), there is a section in which you can
upload your video(s) on the following link) volume up:

Storm Stories - The Weather Channel

Monday, May 17, 2010

You Can Still Get Flood Insurance

"I don't live in a flood plain so I can't get flood insurance"; "Flood insurance is too expensive." These are a few of the statements made after the latest rounds of flooding in Nashville. The truth is: Any place can flood. Just ask Noah! The confusion comes in to what is considered a "higher risk" zone or a "not specifically recognized high risk zone".

If your property is in a zone "X" ( not specifically recognized high risk zone) then in most cases the flood insurance will run you no more than about $355/ year for 250k dollars in dwelling coverage subject to a 1k dollar deductible

The following chart of previous Nashville floods it is important to note that out of the top 10 floods of all time in Nashville based on the height of the Cumberland River, our May 2010 flood ranks #10.

1793 56.2*
1808 53.8
1826 53.2
1847 55.0
1862 52.0
1865 52.0
1882 55.3
1926 56.2
1937 53.8
2010 51.9

*later accounts of the 1926 floods said the water rose higher in 1793

This past month showed that even with the dam and levee system Nashville is still at risk for flooding. Unless new steps are taken to prevent future floods, we might face additional damage to our city and loss of life. As you can see, the May 2010 floods are not "millenial" by any means. Historically the Cumberland River flooded more or less every 25 to 35 years.

Email Rob Mitchell with your name and property address and he will give you a free flood determination. Not much is free in the world today so you should act quick. Renters can also get coverage for their personal property as well. (

Opry Performances Raises 1.5 Million For Flood Relief

Nashville's volunteer spirit shines through. 1.5 millions raised in a performance fundraiser for flood victim benefit.
 This goes to show why Nashville is the heart of Tennessee.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Easy Come; Big Easy Go : Serpas Goes Back Where He Came From

Nashville police chief ,Ronal Serpas, a former high-ranking NOPD officer who now heads the police department in Nashville, Tenn., the next superintendent of the New Orleans Police Department.  Serpas came toNashville five years ago. He decentralized the command structure and disbanded the skilled homocide unit. It has recently come to light that the Nashville police departments improvements may in fact be due to an administrative trick of marking unsolved cases as administrativly closed.

Was this how things were done in crime riddled New Orleans at the time of Serpas' departure for Nashville five years ago? Is New Orleans getting a "pig in a poke" with Serpas? Only time will tell. One thing is for sure. Nashville reporters may not find as colorful a replacement to write about. Serpas' sons repeted DUI violations were all that talk for months. But then again, DUI's must be very common in the Big Easy.

What do you think?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Floods in Nashville Tennessee

An historic 500 year flood sent the Cumberland river surging out of it's banks. Thousands were displace. Billions of dollars of damage was done and less the 5000 families in an area of over 1 million people had flood insurance!
Nashville 2010:    "How High's the Water,Mama?"