Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tattoo Truths

Inking is something  ill advised

Friday, August 19, 2011

Facebook Hunting Ground for Criminals

Facebook is a fun way to stay in contact with family and friends, but for many criminals its a hunting ground.
Its exactly what Ian Wood did. The New Castle England man stole over $50,000 from his neighbors using information he learnd about them on Facebook.

According to police, wood figured out how to access online bank accounts by pretending to forget his password. When asked security questions like dates of birth or a mother's maiden name, he was able to give the correct answer based on what he'd learned on Facebook.

To protect your identity avoid obvious passwords and security questions. Also, limit personal information and the Facebook friends who can see. Not everyone on facebook maybe interested in friendship or social networking.

Amry Partners with Middle Tennessee State University for Nations Only Program

The university simultaneously announced plans for a Center for Unmanned Systems Operational Advancement and Research at MTSU, to be known as MT-CUSOAR. The new center will provide a collaborative environment for academic, industry and government entities to advance UAS operations and technology integration.

The pact is the first signed between a university and the Army UAS Program Office, which operates the largest unmanned fleet in America. Although the Army works with other universities on a contract basis, the collaboration with MTSU is unprecedented.

Unmanned aircraft, or “drones,” are demanding more attention in the aviation community. In addition to combat, unmanned aircraft potentially can be used to patrol domestic skies, survey land and crops, monitor forest fires and environmental conditions and perhaps even move cargo from city to city.

MTSU’s rapid expansion into the unmanned arena tracks industry growth. The new agreement adds to MTSU’s momentum in UAS study and research. MTSU also is working with the Federal Aviation Administration in its sweeping overhaul of the national airspace system through the Next Generation Air Transportation program as part of a 33-member, $1.4 billion team led by ITT Corp. The Army is Partnering with MTSU

"Rick Rolled" By thw WHite House?

When the self-described “mediocre golfer” David Wiggs of Franklin, TN took to Twitter to complain about a boring White House press conference, he caught the attention of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. They replied yesterday with a tweet apologizing, and offering Wiggs something more fun.
More specifically, the White House sent him a link to Rick Astley’s opus “Never Gonna Give You Up.” That is to say, the Obama Administration “rickrolled” him. Just as our founding fathers intended.
Deputy Director of the National Economic Council Brian Deese sent the tweet while manning a shift on the White House live blog. Deese usually spends his day on activities more productive than advancing Internet memes. You know, like saving Chrysler from extinction.
May 31, 2009, New York Times: A month ago, when the administration was divided over whether to support Fiat’s bid to take over much of Chrysler, it was Mr. Deese who spoke out strongly against simply letting the company go into liquidation, according to several people who were present for the debate.

Mr. Deese was not the only one favoring the Fiat deal, but his lengthy memorandum on how liquidation would increase Medicaid costs, unemployment insurance and municipal bankruptcies ended the debate. The administration supported the deal, and it seems likely to become a reality on Monday, if a federal judge handling the high-speed bankruptcy proceeding approves the sale of Chrysler’s best assets to the Italian carmaker.

Wiggs reply to Deese’s Executive Branch rickroll? Two words: “Love it.”

LaVergne In Top 20!

Money magazine has selected the 25 most affordable places to live and La Vergne, Tennessee is No. 13 on the list.

According to the August article published by CNN Money, residents who live in these 25 growing towns see their incomes go the furthest. The article stated, that La Vergne has many attractions. Boaters and fishermen are drawn to the 14,000-acre Percy Priest Lake for recreation, parents to the highly-rated schools and everyone finds the low taxes here hard to resist.

While the June decision to increase the tax rate, along with additional water and sewer fees, has not been without local controversy, the city remains very affordable on a national scale. CNN Money lists the median home price at $106,400 and the median family income at $64,043, so the city is viewed nationally as very affordable.

Time magazine recently reported the most expensive place to live is Passaic County, New Jersey because the annual property tax burden is $7,939, or 9.7 percent of the median income of $82,038. By comparison, La Vergne property taxes for a $106,400 house would be $923 p/year (including city and county taxes), or 1.4 percent of the median income of $64,043

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Body Found In Dry Creekbed

Detectives have requested an autopsy be performed on a 58-year-old man whose body was discovered by a neighbor. Sheriff Robert Arnold says it was found Wednesday morning in a dry creek bed off Panther Creek Road, just off Midland Road in south Rutherford County

Pumphin Fight Nearly Kills Man

A Murfreesboro man mad about a pumpkin almost ran over a Murfreesboro Water and Sewer employee. Apparently, the employee was removing a pumpkin that was growing around an air conditioner coil outside a Murfreesboro Water and Sewer office. The pumpkin was not allowing the condenser coil to get air. The victim told police he had to push himself off the suspects truck to avoid getting hit. When the employee pushed himself away from the truck, he hurt his back. He told police he did not know that Greg Gossage was attached to the pumpkin that was growing next to the air conditioning unit.