Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Euthanized Puppy Returns From The Dead!

This past Saturday a litter of five “pups” were put down by veterinarians in Sulphur Oklahoma (the town name seems fitting). After being checked and confirmed of their death, the puppies were thrown into a trash bin. The following Sunday morning the bin was checked by an animal control officer, and noticed movement in the bin. One of the Three-month-old puppies had survived! But how? No one really knows for certain.

“He was just as healthy as he could be.” Scott Prall told Oklahoma’s News 9.

The puppies were euthanized due to illness and overcrowding in the shelter. Since the resurrection of the Terrier mixed named Wall-E, Amanda Kloski (a veterinarian in Oklahoma) has been caring for him and created a profile for Wall-E, named after the Pixar film character.

A Pennsylvania woman named Marcia Machtiger has been working ’round the clock to find a home for Wall-E. “He is a delightful pup, about three months old, is surprisingly health except for a heavy infestation of Hookworm for which he is undergoing treatment.” She wrote on a special website she created for Wall-E. What she stresses most is that if a home isn’t found for Wall-E soon than the fate he once escaped may be upon him yet again.

Thousands of families have already volunteered to bring Wall-E in. Kloski writes “we have NEVER had the problem (blessing) of more than one family wishing to adopt a dog,” on PetFinder. “Most our dogs do not get the chance or opportunity even ONCE.”

If interested in adopting Wall-E here contact Marcia Machtiger here:

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