Sunday, July 11, 2010

MTSU Promotes Pre-K Teacher Training

Approximately 35 K-8 teachers from across the state recently attended a week long intensive Pre-K Summer Institute at Middle Tennessee State University to obtain their endorsement to teach at the pre-K level.
MTSU was first approached by the Tennessee Department of Education’s Office of Early Learning to offer the pre-K endorsement. Coordinated through the College of Education and Behavioral Science, key sessions focused on child development, curriculum and instruction, diversity and exception needs, family relationships, and assessment.
““We consider it a privilege to offer training in early childhood education to a group of dedicated teachers,” said Dr. Lana Seivers, education dean.  “The expertise and knowledge of the MTSU faculty further prepare these skilled professionals with developmentally appropriate curricula and information to use in their classrooms. Through endeavors such as the Pre-K Institute, Tennessee’s youngest learners will be given a foundation upon which to grow and develop.”
Dr. Kathy Burriss, professor in the Department of Elementary and Special Education and one of the instructors for the institute, said teaching in an institute like this is the “greatest opportunity because these people want to be here. They want to know how to make things happen for children in the most appropriate way—and they are willing to meet state standards. They’re just very enthusiastic—you can see it!”
Debbie Simpson, director of the Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance at MTSU, served as coordinator of the institute.
“I just believe that if something good is happening for teachers in the state of Tennessee, MTSU should be involved,” Simpson said. … “One participant said that we were the reason she would have a job this fall. The enthusiasm was contagious! They seemed to really form a bond over the 5-day intensive-training event.”

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