Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Another Bull Attack In Murfreesboro!

A story which has nothing to do with recent elections:

Another person has been run down by a bull in Murfreesboro.

A man was hit in the chest by a large bull in the area of Highway 96, towards Franklin. The bull mauling occurred around 9:00 Wednesday morning. The victim was hit directly in the chest. Paramedics transported the man to the local hospital around 10:45 this morning. The man was said to be in stable condition.

You may recall on Monday, Carl Wiser died after being struck by a bull on his property. That accident occurred at the victims Manchester Pike home. 64-Year-old Carl Wiser, was fatally injured by the Bison. Reports indicate it was an American Bison bull. The victims wife, Brenda Wiser, told authorities she found her husband after hearing him scream and then running outside.

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