Saturday, September 4, 2010

Errol Flynn's Son's Remains Found

Remains of War Photographer Sean Flynn - Son of Errol Flynn - Found in Cambodian Mass Grave

Sean Flynn.gif
It was reported today that the uncovering of a mass grave in Cambodia may have revealed the remains of war photographer Sean Flynn.
Though Sean Flynn will always be known as the son of the great Errol Flynn, he made a name for himself after giving up acting in 1966.  He left the safety of the moving pictures to become a freelance war photographer. 
Flynn soon got the reputation for being one of those photographers who would put everything on the line, including his personal safety, to get the shot.  He entered into combat on several occasions, and even parachuted into Vietnam with the 1st. Brigade, 101st Airborne Division in December, 1966.
He went to Cambodia in the spring of 1970, and was captured by Khmer Rouge guerrillas on April 6, 1970.  Flynn is one of at least thirty-seven journalists who vanished in the Cambodian Killing Fields during the five years of the war.

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