Monday, April 4, 2011

50% Off Acklen Park Cafe

$20 to Spend on Food and Drink
Acklen Park Cafe
$20 $10 (50% off)

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Famous singer Luciano Pavarotti and his pal William Wright once wrote, "One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating." We completely agree with this philosophy, and a stop at Acklen Park Cafe is like a symphony of flavorful, homemade food. Drop just $10 and get $20 to spend on the tasty West End cafe's breakfast and lunch fare. You won't be able to focus on anything except the steaming hot coffee and delectable breakfast selections (scrambled eggs, grits, fruit bar, etc.) and lunches, including chicken entrées and sandwich combos. Grab this deal and you'll be singing a happy tune -- after you're done eating, of course.

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$20 to Spend on Food and Drink

1 Deal Location

3100 West End Avenue
Suite 130
Nashville, TN, 37203

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