Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Auto Detailing

Auto Detail for Car, Mid-Sized SUV, or Large SUV
Reflections Automobile Appearance Care
$128 $64 (50% off)

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Same as how denial ain't just a river in Egypt, superior isn't just a giant lake to the north. And trust us, you won't have trouble accepting a truly superior car detailing from Reflections Automobile Appearance Care. Make your car sparkle with a custom cleaning: Pay $64 for a car (regularly $128), $82 for a mid-sized SUV (regularly $164), or $98 for an extra large SUV (regularly $196). The inside of your ride will be spotless after these experts clean your carpet, upholstery, dashboard, and console, while the exterior will look brand-new after a thorough washing, wax application, window cleaning, tire dressing, and more. Your car will look better than the rest -- there's no denying it.

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Auto Detail for Car ($64), Mid-Sized SUV ($82), or Extra Large SUV ($98)
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