Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Flood Insurance Changes Not Happening

June 23, 2010
Tuesday night, Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee tried to get the Senate to pass a measure he cosponsored to extend the national flood insurance program through December 2010—which wouldn’t have added to the federal debt—but the Senate Democrats struck it down. The bill would have greatly helped Tennesseans still struggling with the aftermath of the flooding.
After it was struck down, Alexander said the following on the floor:
"I’m deeply disappointed by this. What I have done is asked to extend the flood insurance program so that Tennesseans, who are recovering from the worst natural disaster since President Obama took office, could qualify for the flood insurance so they can get their loans, so they can open their businesses again. This doesn’t add a penny to the debt. The money’s there. The authority to do it is not. So if you’re in Rhode Island, if you’re in Tennessee, if you’re in New Orleans, if you’re in any other place where you’re waiting for flood insurance, you should know that Republicans just asked to extend the flood insurance program so you could buy insurance and Democrats just objected.

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