Saturday, June 19, 2010

Infant Nearly Beaten to Death

A little 16-month old baby is on “life support” at the Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and a 32-year old man is locked in the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center. Murfreesboro Police Detective Paul Mongold and DCS Case Worker Kevin Smith interviewed Rashii T. Brisbon in the emergency room at Middle Tennessee Medical Center on Wednesday (6/16/2010). He claims the infant choked on some bread and fell off a sofa. Physicians at MTMC as well as Vanderbilt say there is no way such severe injuries could have occured that way. The infant was unresponsive when paramedics arrived. The child had bruising around the neck and bleeding on the brain. According to the arrest report, doctors say “the baby was the victim of non-accidental trauma”. Rashii T. Brisbon of Waterford Place Apartments on South Church Street was arrested at 2:00 o’clockThursday afternoon (6/17/2010) and charged with aggravated child abuse. Authorities also discovered that he has an outstanding warrant for desertion from the U.S. Army. Brisbon’s first court date is July 8th, and his bond is set at $300,000.

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