Monday, June 21, 2010

United Ways $25K Pepsi Grant

The United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties is in the last stretch for voting for the $25,000 grant from Pepsi that would be allocated to partner agencies for its next annual Day of Action. Pepsi will award 32 grants totaling $1.3 million during the month of June, and grant recipients are determined by a public vote that will conclude on June 30th.

The most recent Day of Action in May saw more than 250 volunteers completing projects at 25 various sites in Middle Tennessee. Typically, United Way has recruited volunteers and coordinated their efforts while the agencies have supplied the equipment and materials associated with the projects. However, the grant from Pepsi would result in the offsetting of those expenses assumed by the agencies.

There are 45 partner non-profit organizations in Rutherford and Cannon Counties that receiving funding from the local United Way. The web address to vote for United Way in this process is and voters may vote up to once per day through June 30th

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