Thursday, June 17, 2010

Joe the Plumber In Murfreesboro

Thinking back to the 2008 presidential election, you may recall “Joe the Plumber”, whose real name is Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, (and is in fact technically not a plumber), the middle class American who gained media attention after he was videotaped questioning Barack Obama about his small business tax policy during a campaign stop in Ohio. He has now endorsed Lou Ann Zelenik in her campaign for Sixth District Congressman from Tennessee. He is endorsing candidates who are strong fiscal conservatives, and defenders of traditional conservative values, and fittingly, Zelenik was recently named ‘Conservative of the Year” by the National Fiscal Conservative PAC. The pair are now campaigning across the 6th congressional district which brought them to the Stones River Country Club where we got them to comment on this odd partnership. If successful, Zelenik will replace 13 term Democrat Congressman Bart Gordon who announced his retirement late last year. And if you’d like to hear and meet the infamous Joe the Plumber yourself, he and Zelenik will be at Joe’s Place, located at 108 North Tatum Street in Woodbury at 2:15 tomorrow afternoon.

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