Monday, June 28, 2010

Tennessee Awards Bonnaroo Enviromental Award

The State of Tennessee has presented a major award to Bonnaroo. Bonnaroo is the massive music and arts festival that takes place each June in Manchester. The event draws some 100-thousand fans and workers to Coffee County.
At a  specially held ceremony in Manchester, Commissioner Jim Fyke presented Bonnaroo with the Excellence in Parks and Recreation Award. In 2009, Bonnaroo addressed product consumption, education and outreach, waste management and energy consumption in a comprehensive plan to reduce waste produced for this recreational event. Thirty-three percent of the waste produced by the festival (by weight) was diverted from the landfill. This includes 81.49 tons of commingled recycling, 19.07 tons of scrap metal, 27.18 tons of cardboard, three tons of cooking oil, and 30 tons of compost totaling nearly 161 tons diverted from the landfill. This waste diversion, combined with education and outreach promoting sustainability, locally sourced products, onsite composting and environmentally friendly purchasing, lead to the highest amount of materials recycled in the 9-year history of the festival.
New in 2009, Bonnaroo provided reusable water bottles for attendees to refill with free filtered water from on-site wells. Bonnaroo also retired 900 metric tons of carbon dioxide, accounting fro and off setting all emissions generated from the festival.

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