Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lil Thug Gets Mugged By Principal

School is out of session for summer at Bailey Middle School, but it's what Angelia Taylor said happened on school grounds Thursday morning that has her asking why an assistant principal hit her son and pulled a knife on him.Her 14-year-old son, DeAngelo Taylor, explained how it started."He ... said, 'I'm going to beat your (expletive),' and I said, 'All right, (expletive) you,' and he said, '(expletive) your mama,' and I said, 'Forget it,'" said DeAngelo.DeAngelo said he and an assistant principal had words early Thursday morning at school. The next thing he knew, DeAngelo said, the educator hit him at lunch.“(He) came over there, he said, 'You bad, ain't ya? You think you bad, ain't ya?' He backhanded me hard. I couldn't even swallow my food," DeAngelo said.Taylor said the abuse didn't stop there. As the two left the room, he said, "We got a little past the (security) camera and he said, 'N****, I'll stick you. I'll stick you,'" said DeAngelo.The boy said he went home to tell his mother what happened."I'm still in shock. I can’t believe something like this could happen. He was saying when he breathed in, his chest was hurting. So that made me wonder; he hit my son hard," said Angelia Taylor.She took her son to the hospital as a precaution. There, records show doctors determined he had a bruised chest.Taylor said her son isn't perfect. DeAngelo is on probation for burglary and was at school Thursday doing community service."No matter what he did, he shouldn’t be treated that way. No child should be treated that way. I want something done about it," Taylor said.She filed a police report and said she plans to press charges. She also met with the school principal and assistant principal to get answers.“I asked him why did he have his hands on my child anyway? He said he did not hit DeAngelo. He said he touched DeAngelo, but still, why is your hand on my child?" said Taylor.Requests for comment from the assistant principal and a spokesperson for Metro Schools were unreturned.As for any discipline in this case, Taylor said the school principal at Bailey Middle School told her she would review the school's videotapes and determine what should be done.

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